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Opuntia humifusa - Eastern Prickly Pear

Opuntia humifusa - Eastern Prickly Pear

Regular price $15.00
Regular price $32.00 Sale price $15.00
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This wonderful cactus is actually, believe it or not, winter hardy down to zone 4a. Proper care and knowledge will ensure this hot summer delight survives for many years at its chosen site.

Location is key - plant it in your sunniest spot! The soil should ideally be sandy, loose, fast draining and nutrient-poor. It is very important that water does not pool around the plant. Expect the plant to perform its best when planted near the top of a sloping rock garden. Yes, they can do just fine if planted in a container.

Snow cover acts like a natural mulch in the winter and helps insulate the plant against cold conditions. Allow the plant to remain covered in the winter. In the spring time, the cactus will look shriveled, pruney and brown. This is normal, allow a couple of weeks to pass and it should perk back up.

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